May 1, 2023Liked by toniReno

toniReno, I was just printing out this post and didn't realize my cartoon would be part of it! Maybe I knew this at the time and forgot about it, but I think I would have commented. Who knows? At any rate, I am having a hard time getting OFF my computer and up the hill to the cafe where I will do some reading and writing, detached from all devices. I see you also did one on keeping your home safe, which I will also print out. Thank you for all this useful info!

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I am also working on keeping off my computer. I think that all screens take away your time. I am getting my time back.

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I agree! I'm doing the same. Very freeing!

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by toniReno

I like the idea of living like we used to pre-smartphones, where we could spend days on end not feeling pressured by incoming messages. (Especially as an introvert) I don’t use my phone for social media at all, but I also couldn’t imagine not being able to readily connect with my kids when they’re out and about, and I also love having an amazing camera on hand to capture moments.

I think there’s a happy medium compromise, where we can turn off location services, minimize our usage, and only use our phones when we need to, rather than as a crutch to combat boredom, FOMO, to help not deal with our own emotions etc.

I do agree with your sentiments though; most people are wayy to addicted to their phones, and without this surveillance and propaganda tool the elites would have less power to control. But we would also have less power to share truth, to share survival skills, to connect with loved ones, to access the infinite amount of information (health, how-to videos, recipes, gardening wisdom etc)

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I think that it is great that we all examine our cell phone use. What are we giving up in exchange for this?Is the price worth it? To even have this question is important, otherwise we just have a population of unthinking zombies that do everything out of habit without ever consenting to the consequences. Having a smartphone has a lot of conveniences (including social acceptance) but I have found living without it to be freeing.

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